Domiciliary care is health care or supportive care provided by a professional caregiver in the individual home where the patient or client is living, as opposed to care provided in group accommodations like clinics or nursing homes. Domiciliary care is also known as home care, social care or in-home care.
Many older people can spend extended periods of time without having meaningful a conversation, which can reduce their quality of life.
If you, or your loved one needs someone to have a chat with and keep them company at home or during daily activities, our staff can provide elderly Companion Care of the highest standards.
This type of care is for those who do not need a lot of help but would like the companionship and support during their daily activities. This can have an emotional and cognitive benefit for elderly individuals due to the engaging conversations and reassurance when daily hassles or unfortunate life events occur.
Some ways our Carers provide companionship:
We do not offer personal care that requires regulatory oversight through the CQC. We often meet CQC regulated carers, at the service users home and we compliment them. Our work is concentrated on the following, all ensuring we meet the provisions of Part 1 of the Care Act 2014.
We Support to help people develop the skills needed to live independently. Sometimes these services are referred to as ‘reablement services’ or ‘short-term support’. They can involve help with doing certain activities again after illness or injury.
Help with household tasks, such as cleaning, cooking and eating meals or shopping.
Support with organising physical, leisure or social activities. These services are called ‘day care services’ or ‘day care opportunities’. They can involve the serving of meals or refreshments, help with health issues, or just provide an opportunity to meet and chat with other people.
‘Respite care’ or ‘carers breaks’, which provide opportunities for unpaid carers to take a break from caring. During these breaks, the person being cared for would have their care needs met by different carers, sometimes in a different location for a few hours, an overnight stay, or even longer.
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